John Lewis Edit

Last month I did something that I've never done before, and headed to London (OK I've been to London many a times) for a pretty scary evening to say the least. So it wasn't exactly scary, ghost-like scary, more nervewracking if anything because if you're like me, you probably rope your most beloved into taking your outfit photos and the only audience you get is either your cat (or dog) or the birds in the trees. However, I popped that aside and braced myself for an evening with John Lewis for their Blogger Edit. And just to throw the towel in, the week I was selected was for Sports Luxe (all I can do is thank Pinterest at this moment for their utter inspiration boards to help me!) - and well in the words of my mum who couldn't have put it any better "What, YOU? You might look like Sporty Spice, but you certainly can't run like her! Do you have to wear a sports bra?".

I'm putting my hand up here, and declaring that I am ultra unfit, and not only did the thought of having my photograph taken by a photographer, wearing made up, and being pampered too scare me, but having to style a look that is completely out of my comfort zone made me a super nervous nelly right until I was standing on the blue backdrop. Actually, I'm still slightly quivering now..
The girls who worked for John Lewis were lovely and showered us with some fizz (not literally mind!), advice and helped us (definitely myself) relax a little and admitedlly after spending an hour in the company of their clothes, I came to learn that John Lewis isn't just about the beautiful homeware I thought it was. Infact they did some pretty awesome clothes. And Sports Luxe? It's definitely not all about what I imagined... It's cool, AND comfortable.

This is probably my favourite outfit of them all (so much so that it's now sitting nicely in my wardrobe!) and although I'm warming to trousers lately, this gave me that last push I needed to realise that my thighs don't look so bad. Of course I love a slouchy top, and I did opt for the bigger size, because when there's cupcakes to be eaten - food rules over tight fitting clothes anyday of the week for me.

I was drawn to this dress because of the collar (you know I love a good collar) and seeing the model wearing it loose made me itch to style this. Sadly my short legs didn't agree, but teamed with lovely Laura's belt and those oh so dreamy (and super comfortable!) shoes, proved to myself that Sports Luxe could still be sharp.

My third outfit was completely out of my comfort zone, but embracing the look I went for it (even if I had a dilema on how to hold a handbag?!) and decided that flat shoes are ultimate weekend winners. When the girls mentioned how natural I looked in this, a little warm glow came over me and at the time I was like YEAH I can rock this. Looking back? I think I'm best sticking to dresses!

I am actually incredibly grateful to John Lewis for opening my eyes to their clothes, and also a trend that I thought was impossible for a little twee girl like myself. Plus pushing myself to attend The Edit also meant I got to meet and hang out with some pretty awesome girls - Laura who is an absolute beaut and gave me utter style envy of THAT leopard dress, Sheree is hilarious and someone I most certainly want to hang at a party with, and of course Lucy who had such confidence and style behind the camera (making it look dead easy!). I guess there's worse ways to spend a Wednesday evening.. and missing that train didn't bother me one bit - I was on a high too much!