Weird One
Sometimes.., i think i'm a little strange...But on another note, today has been a successful day. My ever so lovely wonderful boyfriend, turned into a true gentleman today.. He sent me a dozen Roses. Pink Roses. They were beautiful.. I could eat them up! I will remember this day forever.
I also got myself 3 interviews for next week, so my fingers, toes and hair's on my head are crossed!I finally managed to open my post dating back to 2009.. It wasn't fun, but shredding them was (although this was cut short. I broke the shredder!)I even got chatted up today in Sainsburies... Unfortunately the man was a little disabled, and literally looked like he had just come from the Tip. But none the less, I declined his offer of 'going for pizza with him'. And instead, ran off to where the underwear section was located, in the hope he would never come there!What a fun packed day!Song of the moment.After digging out my 'Hot chip top' (for it's crazy patterns, and myspace days), it got me reminiscing about Hot Chip, and how they constantly used to play on my Ipodge. So today, I let my ears repeatedly listen to 'One Life Stand'.. although this version is pretty sweet! I think i'm a fan again. Slightly makes me want to go hit the pow though! HEY LONDON. FEAT HOT CHIP. Enjoy!Love forever,Kfedland x