My best friend is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!Today, I took some photograph's of her.. which she LOVED! (this is my 'thank you' friend incase you're wondering!)I'm actually just going to leave you to browse the photo's on my blog, because I have to wash my hair (CHORE) for tonight...I'm off out with the West Lodge ladies.. and this time it will NOT involve:Shots. Nope.Drunken behaviour. Certainly NOT!Being put into a dustbin. Bleurgh.And most importantly puking on the street.I do not fancy being Pukahontas once more. Sorry again, ladies!I have not eaten rice today, so all will be fine!Was that too much information?Enjoy the pictures!
To view all the photographs of today, Check out my Flickr page - Kfedland Flickr
Love forever,Kfedland x
Katy McPhedran