Little Fingers
Today I was utterly fascinated, with a baby.Considering I am a nanny.And have dealt with babies for many (many) years.WELL, I held my first ever 11 day old baby.It was the most incredible thing ever. And I was literally amazed.Basically...I fell in love
I mean, when people have literally just popped their baby out, everyone's all like:
"Wow look at him/her"
"He's so gorgeous"
"Aww he looks just LIKE you!"
And I always think...
"Seriously.. it looks like an alien. A very tiny alien"
But then, I meet little baby Tommie.
And he completely changed my views. For today anyway.
I don't know if it's the fact he was so tiny, and so cute (and I probably could have eaten him for my breakfast), or because he was my best friends baby... But at that moment, I was one of those people, and I said...
"He is amazing. So adorable. I love him"
Because he genuinely was amazing. And adorable. And I do have a little crush on him.
But mostly, I am so proud and pleased for my best friend.
And her boyfriend of course.
She has had a pretty hard 18 months.. with months of sadness. Yet finally, she has the most incredible gift ever to have been given to her. I am extremely happy for her. She deserves this!
And little baby Tommie is going to have FANTASTIC parents.
Plus, I can get lots of cuddles!
Until he poops.. and this time I can hand him!
Love forever,
Kfedland x