Oh What A Night
I've learnt that the people of St Albans must sleep at 1am! From being a Kettering kid, who goes out at 11pm onwards and then partying away till 3am.Ok not me PERSONALLY. I AM a 1am bed person!BUT literally last night was crazy! Juicy Lucie and JessiCAT came to visit myself.
I knew it would be messy.It was. Jager.That says it all.I think it took me 4 gulps to finish my 'shot' (more like a goldfish bowl!).Which is what t i p p e d u s o v e r t h e e d g e! FAIL!The disney songs came on.The voices turned up.And the hairbrushes were out!EPIC!
When we finally took our 3hour choice outfits outside.. We couldn't even walk! Hilariously funny!Ordered cocktails thinking we were hardcore enough for two.Wrong!We couldn't handle one!I personally had more fun picking the leaves off the plant (Christina's now most treasured present!)ANYWAY, headed to Veeda club to get in.No chance. We even tried to SELL Lucie to them.No luck.Gutting right.I even asked if they were just not letting me in for my skin colour! So, we headed to another club(Somewhere inbetween here we went in the closed toilets freaking ourselves out...)"Ooh its like I know what you did last summer"Yeah thanks girls! Yes.We headed to another club...Couldn't get in.Seriously it was 1am! Didn't they know HOW much effort we had put into our clothes choice.Trust me, a l o o o o n g time!Screwed that idea, and knew it was time for food.Corn on the cob. Again.Seriously! Why oh why?!Best bit of the nightLucie: Excuse me, can I just try some free chicken. Me: She's never had it before!Jess: She used to be a vegetarian till now!YES WE GOT IT!Incredible. So this was our night.But funnily enough I had an awesome time!And now I'm dying a little. As per usual.I think its time for bed!Before Matt gets back.I wonder if the fairy cleaner will come again like last time!Love forever,Kfedland xSent using BlackBerryยฎ from Orange