Playing Tennis
Today, I was asked if I could play tennis. When I said NO, I thought this would be the end of the conversation. Wrong!It was just the beginning... I was asked by my new friend ChristinaI like to call her Queen C Like BeyonceBecause she thinks she is her. That's ok, I can still be Shakira.Anyway, Christina decided for both of us (she had to.. I'm TERRIBLE with decisions!) that we would start playing at the park!Funny right? I hope she realises I can't even bat a ball. And does she realise how much of a wimp I am?I'm gonna have to buy elbow pads. Knee pads. Face guard. And of course, a racket.I agreed, on one thing..That I'm allowed a ribbon on it.And stickers.Because obviously I'm a mature 22 year old.So,You see. Yes I will be learning to play. But you never know, maybe I'll be the next Serena Williams?She IS a tennis player right?Best get my tighty whiteys out.And most certainly a headband. I can't wait. Love forever,Kfedland xSent using BlackBerryยฎ from Orange