Ninety Nine
Jumper: Beyond Retro. Shorts: Sans Souci.
I have spent the first half of my day in my one piece, but I got fed up with the cold when I kept nipping to the toilet! So I changed into my Mickey Mouse jumper.. It's still such a beauty, although I rarely leave the house in it! Imagine if I wore it to work, I'd fit in well with the girls! And funnily enough I'm wearing my hair up! I was thinking about this this week. Everyday I make sure I have a hairband wrapped round my wrist, but I never ever wear my hair up. I hate it. The only time I will do this, is like the picture above, whilst I'm at home mooching around! Plus, It's not normally that I will let a picture be taken!
I also wanted to let a few of you know. Today I mentioned on Twitter about beauty bloggers who follow me, then wonder why I don't follow them. Basically, I don't wear makeup. Nothing. Zero. Except nail varnish. Which totally doesn't count. Or does it? I tried it once, actually twice. The first time, was attempting it myself and heading downstairs for my mother to shriek "what happened?!" And the second time, was a pretty much forced effort by my friends for a night out. It's quite sad really... especially considering the fact I'm nearly 23 and don't even know how to apply it?! It's not that I don't need it (I'm sure I do!) but I've never been interested! Plus with the way I buy clothes, I'd never be able to keep my supply up! Please don't then think I'm not a girly girl. Because I am. I wear dresses. I brush my hair (sometimes) and I still cry at movies. Probably more so than your average girl. But for me, I would rather spend an extra hour in bed than sit infront of a mirror putting this and that on my face. And anyway, mascara running down my face would end up being my day to day look.. So I'm best off without!
On another note, I have been such a lazy toad today! I had so much planned that I needed to do. And before I knew it, the boyf was home from work and I still hadn't done anything! Hmm. I'm also back to work tomorrow after another week off. No rest for me now, till December when I head to Paris! However, I cannot wait till tomorrow as the parents are popping up to visit me when I finish work. I always get so excited to see them! Whether they come once a month or once a week! So maybe, I should really get on with list of things to do.. Hmm, after I've washed my hair. Am I the only girl who HATES hair wash day?