One Hundred and Eleven
Top: Internacionale. Pants: Topshop (all hail being half nuddy!)
Aloha! I don't even know why I said this. Maybe because I feel like this weekend I've been on holidayyy! Especially the weather too, and possibly the 5 sambucca's Mama Mcfred had tonight (true story!) CLASSIC! But seriously, HOW HOT. I need the snow. Please.
This weekend, I actually didn't shop. I lie, I did shop. I didn't buy anything apart from one top that was a spitting image of my Topshop blouse I LIVE in, but at a fraction of a price. I couldn't resist! Call me a skank, I don't care! I did go searching for something to wear out Saturday evening, because the weather was being selfish, as I wanted to wear my new dress but obviously it's long sleeved + the heat = one sweaty mess. Alas, I still wore it out and I didn't look like I'd been thrown in a shower. Hooray!! Twas a very good night, considering! My hometown is always going to be my hometown, but in fairness it's just extremely tacky and people need to wear more clothes! We won't even discuss when it get's to winter!
Today, my family came over and we sat in the garden with a huge skillet and as I mentioned, everyone got pretty smashed! I always love spending time with my family, and I'm one of those people who would do it every weekend if I could. However, I always wish that the boyf could have come home with me too. I hate his job!! So, with him not being here I have pretty much had no sleep (and I have a bed too myself.. what is WRONG with me?!) I contemplated bringing little Bear to bed with me last night, but he keeps climbing up the chimney! He's an ace little bum! I tried to take some photo's but he was forever moving, he genuinly doesn't stop!
I also, added a few pictures from the weekend! I left my camera at home, so amen to the BB! Spot the kitty learning to read!
Now, it's definitely bedtime. And of course, KUWTK's! I am obsessed as pie. And after watching this, I now only talk on my phone on speakerphone. It makes me feel like a Kardashian! Which one would I be?!
1: Queen C. 2: The smell of weetabix. 3: Lunch! 4: Casual tweeting. 5: Bear choosing a snowboard.