One Hundred and Nineteen
Blouse: H&M. Jacket: New Look. Vest: Topshop. Boots: Vintage. Beanie: Coal.
Firstly I want to say a HUGE HELLO to all my new followers. Whilst writing this, I just reached my dear old age of 100 followers. I cannot believe it. I am so thankful, and really hope you enjoy reading my posts! You either follow me because you kinda think I'm cool, think I'm a freak story, or you fell asleep on post one and accidentally hit 'follow' button on the way down to snoozing. Either way, thank you! We'll have a cuppa tea and cake someday soon...
So today, I have done absolutely zero, nada, nothing. I think the best thing I achieved today was eating 36 jaffa cakes in 25 minutes. I love them. Well I love them this month. I have an addictive personality. So I basically crave and crave something, so what I do is I just eat and eat and eat this certain thing till I can no longer even look at it. Then a new addiction begins! I'm weird like that!
I chose to wear my 'safe' top today! This outfit, used to be one of my faves! I remember wearing it to Freeze Fest last year! Basically, this is my winter wardrobe. Well it used to be. From being in the Alps for the past 4 years I always dressed like a cool snowboarder (so I thought anyway!) with my DC trainers, beanies and long hoodies. And then as soon as I touched back in England, I realised I couldn't pull it off. Well I suppose I coulda. But yeah, I dress differently at home. Better. But anyway, today I wanted to reminisce like I was living it up apres ski! Oh how those days seem a lifetime ago now! It's gonna be strange come November that I'm not going to be packing and enduring the 26 hour coach journey! Instead I'll be paying my bills...
Going to finish my weekend with a nice BIG curry and popcorn and ice cream and anything else bad that I can find! Watch a bit of the X Factor. Cannot believe how much I love it this year.. I used to NEVER watch it! Hope you all had a lovely weekend!
Also I have some stuff on Ebay that I really need to get rid of.. Take a look here and make your wardrobe have a bit of me in!
And if you're interested.. I wasn't sick on Matt's parents last night! Winner.