One Hundred and Forty Five
Maxi: River Island. Blouse: Internacionale.
I always loved the maxi's and would forever stare at them wishing I could wear one. But even after trying on literally 30 of them, I felt the need to give up and realise I just had to be a slut and wear shorter skirts. However, whilst out shopping with Mama Mcfred last month I picked this up, and fell in love, and I told myself that it DID look OK. I wanted it for Paris. So I bought it. And I stared at it for many mornings, in my wardrobe.
Yet, now I'm back to my problem again. Does this even suit me? What can I wear it with?! I popped it on once with the short sleeved knit a while back, and loved the colours, yet didn't like how two baggy pieces made me look like a fat frump flump. So today I tried it with my blouse, but I'm still a little unsure. Which saw me spending majority of last night, trawling the internet for a simple black bandeau top (trust me it wasn't easy at this time of year!) and so I shall be waiting for this to arrive, in the hope that it can cure my maxiskirtdilemasituation! I'm hoping that the simple tight fitting bandeau top will give me some shape, and still make the maxi look a little dressed up, and help me freeze to death in these temperatures!
Oh well, here's hoping! Hurry up Mr Postman.