And I built a home, for you, for me.
Dress: Primark. Leather Jacket: New Look. Boots: Primark.
Today we found out we have to leave our apartment by April. It came as such a shock. So shocking that I burst into tears and cried to my parents (seriously, how old am I?!) So now the hunt is on, to find another place that ticks all our boxes, which is going to be such a struggle, considering littlebum and I normally work opposite hours. I guess we should see this in a great light, a new place to make home, and get a kitty. Although I'll be ever so sad to say goodbye to what we've made our home these last 7 months.
So with all the crap we've accumulated, and my 6754938 clothes, I guess I should start packing.. Urm now?
At least I have an excuse for another house warming party!
Katy McPhedran