Nobody knows it but you got a secret smile
Dress: Ever Ours. Cardigan: Topshop. Bag: Matalan. Wedges: Office
My favourite camel shoes made the splendid appearance today. Along with the Ever Ours dress. Oh and Mama Mcfred's cardigan!
Had a very successful time at the Argos warehouse yesterday! We got lots of exciting things (a hoover IS exciting!) and my best purchase being these beautiful bedside tables. Now I'm just hunting down a very feminine bed!
Thank you all for your congratulations on our new house.. I am extremely pleased with it! And the best part is that it's back in the town I grew up in. It was a very big decision to make, but littlebum and I both agreed it would be best to head back to the midlands. Hence the huge house, the job hunt and the copious amounts of petrol consumed!
Moving day is on Friday (and all the other days to fit our crap into cars!) and then I have the fun of travelling up and down the motorway every weekend. At least it's an excuse for ridiculous music and a big stash of murray mints.
Tonight is spent eating pancakes and watching films with a hungover littlebum. Yum.