I'm a highway man, on the road again
1: Lunchtime dates. 2: We did NOT raise him obese honest. 3: This is my life right now.
4: Schmidt returns from his holidays a happy man. 5: We lost the cat's head. 6: Dad's socks.
7: At least it's not Costa for once! 8: Dinner with Mama Mcfred. 9: Celebrating Christmas late!
10: Papa G! 11: The two Sunday school ladies. 12: Littlebumbum!
13: Starting the wine early.. 14: VALDIZZLE FATTIES. 15: Housepartyyy.
16: I really don't want to leave this. 17: Breakfast for the 5000. 18: Call me stylish thanks.
What a weekend! Literally. I feel like I need a weekend AFTER this weekend we just had.
Basically celebrated Christmas late on Friday with Mama Mcfred by having a girly day of shopping, eating, more eating and then Dirty Dancing! Seriously amazing.. And I even managed to hold back the tears! I want to be Baby!
Yesterday's wedding was a little different to say the least... or as my brother described it "Something you'd see in Shameless".. Knew I should have dug out the leopard bodycon (I'm kidding.. I don't own one really..!) because I looked a right Virgin Mary in my little fishtail dress and cardigan! But that soon changed when I popped on my swan trousers ready for our houseparty. I think my friends were more shocked by the fact I was wearing trousers rather than the 3 storey house!
Anyway, our house party in short was VERY messy to say the least, bottles of jager were shot, bowls of vodka passed around, numerous amounts of beer, wine and every other spirit consumed under the sun. The three toilets were occupied by 'sickers' for majority of the night. The corridors seemed like great places to rest, and the living room turned into a mosh pit. And to top it all off a huge fat fry up was made this morning. Amazing.
So yeah, a good night had. But hey.. if everyone had a shit night, at least they couldn't remember it this morning..!