UncategorizedKaty McPhedran

Some nights I wish that my lips could build a castle

UncategorizedKaty McPhedran

Top: H&M Kids. Shorts: Matalan. Plimsoles: Primark.

Ooh look at me embracing the stripes now. Although, sure enough, after these photos were taken I decided I didn't like the tee anymore. They give me saggy tit look effect. And I'm not a fan, not just yet anyway.

But with the ray of sunshine we had today, I took the opportunity to get my legs out. Especially in my new THREE POUND shorts.To be honest, I get my legs out as much as a nana gets their sherry out. Why not hey?! And of course my smelly little plimsoles. 

This weekend was spent eating a lot. Like literally a fridge load of things. And house viewing. Well, we only visited one house, and hated it (OK that was just me).. So instead I tottered off to the shops, and got a new dress. Because that's OK right?!

Tonight is spent eating, again. And finding new ways to procrastinate. Because packing is boring.


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