Another little bit of this and that.
This week I enjoyed going for cocktails and stealing Kimbo's playsuit. It felt new, without spending too! Today I'm catching the sunlight through the window with this little big eared furry one.
Last night Claire and Kim came to stay where we donned our pretty outfits and met up with Eloise for a night of hilarious dancing, mental suits, glitter bombs and a jolly good evening had by all.
This week Little R and I spent our evenings snuggled up in bed, watching numerous films and tweeting. Little R enjoys tweeting now. On Friday night Kim and I made delicious hot chocolate and caught up like old friends.
This week, Little B treated me to some nice flowers and I re-arranged all my vases. These remind me of toilet brushes. On Wednesday night we made the most of fresh new bed sheets, and warm pyjamas.
This week I realised how indecisive I am when it came to making crumpets which included three different toppings. Delicious. On Tuesday, Little S and I had many cuddles and a sunflower seed marathon.
This week, the postman delivered a lovely new duvet set, and I'm really excited to try it out. On Monday evening we ate lots of strawberries, and dipped them in some yummy squirty cream.
The Little Winters x