I think Little Runkle has been watching too much Big Brother. He spends many a days sitting on this chair in the most weirdest of positions. Saying that, we packed the chairs up this week, resulting in one grumpy little fluff.. But hey, now that there's boxes to be jumping in and out of, the chairs have been long forgotten..

 With everything going on this week, all I've wanted to do is crash in my pyjamas and sit in front of the TV sipping hot chocolate on the sofa, but with no sofa and no TV, it's meant a lot of packing has been completed. And one very tired Little Me. I think I'm slowly flagging. One more week left.

 I probably shouldn't be admitting this, but our eating has been terrible these last few weeks. With no point stocking up the fridge, we've managed to live off crumpets and crisps so plenty of Orange juice and Lucozade has been consumed for energy levels. We can't wait till we get a good evening meal soon.

 Little Schmidt has been going wild this week. I'm pretty certain that he supervised Little B's mum as she sorted through the bookshelf, with his head peeping through the tunnel pulling the sweet face he always does. And with a face like that, he's been spoilt with many delicious seed treats this week.

 Little B has been working non stop, and been an utter superstar this week, in possibly sorting out the biggest thing in life we'll ever do. And I'm a pretty proud lady. Plus the fact he's off tonight, so we can actually spend an evening together, has made for an hourly countdown starting now. The indoor picnic shall commence.

And finally, probably the biggest news from us Little's, is that we think we may have just bought this house... Everything seems to have happened all too fast, but there was something about this place that we couldn't let slip through our fingers. In fairness, it wasn't at all what we had in mind, but it just goes to show that sometimes you just really don't know what you're after. But what we do know, is that we can finally get excited, and a place to call OUR home shall be sooner than we think.. I guess this means we're officially grown ups!