With the New Year having just joined us (finally), there's plenty of resolutions and promises being thrown around the air which are inspiring and always a sign of a new beginning. In the Little's household we've never been one to set ourselves goals and resolutions with a likely chance of achieving them. I suppose this can be seen in two minds, on the one hand we'd rather not be reminded of our fails like when we cave in and eat chocolate every day, but on the other hand, maybe we're not setting about and pushing ourselves to things further than what we think we're capable of doing. Because we're always the first in the queue to stay content.

If last year taught us anything (actually it taught us a lot - and it made us a hell of a lot stronger), it's to change things when we become unhappy. I asked myself this week if I actually knew what happy meant, and it wasn't until Little B said 'things could be better, but they could be a far lot worse' that completely stuck in my head. He was so right. I felt like I'd spent the last few months thinking about being happy, rather than actually being happy. With social media and the internet thrown in our faces daily with happy pictures of this that and the other, we can sometimes get lost in other peoples lives, wishing we were holidaying with them, or enjoying a tub of Ben & Jerry's at 10pm (we're guilty of this!) when really we should be enjoying what we have. In our own lives.

Since my Frankie diary arrived (thanks brother), I've taken it upon myself daily to note down any quotes I've found on the internet (seriously cannot get enough of my iPad - and it's swanky Caseable case*!). One's that relate to life, our life and help us push ourselves for better things, but also to appreciate what we already have. We've always been grateful people, and we're hugely thankful for our incredible parents for bringing us up this way, but this year we're really taking it upon ourselves to find the smallest of beautiful things in life. I mean we all have our flaws and have things we'd rather change (non dry skin please) but we must live with it, so we're going to embrace it. And that is the only main thing, if anything, that we're going to promise ourselves this year - to take better care of our bodies. So today I'm going to thank my ears, because they still give me the opportunity to listen to the simple sounds of the trees blowing in the wind and the noise of Little B's car pulling up onto the drive after work. Tell me, what are you grateful for today?