Fitness with New Look

Lets get one thing straight first - I'm not a fitness queen, I've never been to the gym (actually I lie, I went once to use the swimming pool with friends), and I'm not one to watch what I eat. I also have never set myself a New Years resolution where I tell myself that I must get fit this year.. Because reality is, I'd only kid myself.
This year is the same, I'm just doing my thing, eating a fairly average diet, could be better, could be worse. But I do know that I need to get fit. So that walking up the stairs to my office doesn't tire me out, learning to carry more than one shopping bag at the supermarket and to stop myself being constantly tired. Because as I've gotten older, I guess I've realised that I should be looking after myself more.

I said this last year and had bought some trainers that saw the light of day twice (three times if you include the trip to the post office...) and even after telling myself at the time "if you buy something expensive, you're bound to wear them more, right?". Right? WRONG. It was just a waste of money...And then I discovered the fitness range from New Look and in the back of my head, I thought that maybe, just maybe, this WOULD give me that final push. Not to be queen of the gym or perfecting yoga poses, just to y'know, sort myself out. Be less weedy and breathless. So I picked a few pieces from the range.
If you ever wondered what the female Mr Motivator looked like - then I am your lady. These ultra jazzy leggings (albeit a little tighter than expected) most certainly look better on the New Look model than my own thighs, but they're fun. And getting fit should be fun (so I think anyway). The matching crop top is nice and fits my little breasticles perfectly but you won't catch me wearing just this to the gym (doing the housework, maybe!), which is why I chose the vest, to cover those wobbly parts we have but pretend we don't. It's simple, comfortable, and it does the job. Which is always a winner for me.
And do these clothes make me want to start running (again)? Quite possibly yes. Because now I have everything that I ever needed to exercise.. Which I obviously thought I was missing before. Well, let's see how long this lasts... I've even gone the extra mile and created my fitness playlist on Spotify, in the hope that I'll be shimmying out the front door within seconds. If you can't get onto Spotify, here's a few of my favourite tracks to get me moving:
My Delirium - Ladyhawke | We Own The Sky - M83
Boy From School - Hot Chip | Boom Clap - Charli XCX
Tidal Wave - Sub Focus | Sleepyhead - Passion Pit
Afterglow - Wilkinson | We Are Your Friends - Simian Justice
Ghosts N Stuff - Deadmau5 | Paper Planes - MIA
Animal - Miike Snow | End Credits - Chase & Status
Here's hoping anyway. And it all depends on the weather. Nobody likes rain do they? Nor cold, or the darkness.On second thoughts, I could always just stay in one more night, snuggling up in my extra warm dressing gown and browsing through Instagram at everyone else getting fit. Because someone's gotta help keep the chocolate market going. And on this occasion, I don't mind taking one for the team..
Crop Top* | Leggings* | Black Vest* | Nike Trainers | Dressing Gown*