The Best Things In Life Are Free (Kinda)

Raise your hand if you can't help but always spend money?*raises hand*I love it, I really do. And I find any excuse to 'ooh treat myself'. But have we taken the treat-yourself action a little too far? Like, on one hand we'll see someone online declare they're treating themselves to a bowl of pasta (oh hun, I have pasta three times a day sometimes), and on the other hand, we've got those lavish purchases happening - with a Gucci bag being a treat (now that's MORE than a treat in my eyes). Whatever our thoughts are of the word 'treat' and how we define it for ourselves, there's actually the most simple things that essentially are treating ourselves, right infront of us. Without always realising.And the best bit? It doesn't even have to cost you much!And that to me, is a treat in itself (especially my bank balance). Unless it's booking flights somewhere...
Have a lay in
Go on. I dare you! We spend so much time weighed down with guilt that we're not doing enough in the already-doing-more-than-enough day, so turn off your alarm (or at least set it for a little while later), leave those emails an extra hour, and just let your body wake up when it decides to. And then get yourself a coffee (or tea, if you're like me), and take it back to bed. Read for a while, scroll on your phone or just sit and chat to your cat. Or you know, have sex. Whatever you do, do it from your bed - because you deserve it, and it's a wonderful feeling to just lay in, which sometimes we forget to do.
Take a walk
Pop on your coat and tie up your trainers, and get yourself out of the house. It really does make such a difference. I'm guilty of just staying indoors all day sometimes since going freelance, but when I do get out for a lunch, an afternoon of errands or even just a walk to the shop, I feel so much better and more productive. And also, it's nice to walk around the block checking out all those houses in your 'hood that maybe you never quite looked at before. Especially early evening, you know, when the daylight is ending and houses have their lights on but haven't quite closed their curtains yet. Ultimate interior creeping (in the non creepiest way...).
Visit your favourite place
Maybe it's where you fancy heading on your walk, or maybe you've got to jump in the car (OK petrol costs money, but you get where I'm going with this) - go and visit your favourite place. That place that makes you happy. Whether it's your nan's cosy home for a slice of her homemade cake, the local park that is always full of dogs to admire, or the seaside, because that fresh sea air works wonders - make some time to visit your happy place every so often. And it might not seem as much of a treat with it being your favourite place where you regularly go, but it's why you go back. To make you happy.
Enjoy a long bath
Is this not like the simplest thing to do, but also the most satisfying? Well, if you have a bath of course. BUT, some bubbles, a good book and maybe a few candles dotted around to create that ambience as such, really feels like you're taking some time for you. And ticking off that 'self care' vibe everyone mentions.
There's nothing quite like that smell of a freshly baked cake or loaf of bread in the house. Whether it's a simple banana bread (my pal, Kim has an amazing recipe), or delicious scones (Chloe has a tasty cheddar scone recipe!), you'll not only feel productive, but also excited, to eat the baking. If you're like us, you'll most likely have a fair few ingredients in your cupboards, so fruit or fresh are all that's required. And should you be feeling generous, take a bake to your neighbour and watch as their smile appears. That's a nice feeling.
See your friend (and drink wine)
Or gin, or whatever you fancy. We see our friends and love our friends dearly, of course we do. But out of the blue, call your pal and tell them you're coming over, just because. Then rummage through your cupboards, fridge or drinks trolley (everyone has them these days), and turn up with a bottle of something and spend an evening in your favourite kind of company, feeling grateful to have those kinda people around you.
Release your inner child
Remember as a child, when all you'd want to do was make dens? No? Just me. Well, release that inner child, grab plenty of blankets, bedding and cushions and create an indoor den. Find some snacks in your kitchen, and grab yourself a laptop (or your TV if it's easy), and have a day in the den watching movies. It's the best way to watch movies, trust me (people still LOVE this set of photos!)
"Life brings simple pleasures to us everyday. It is up to us to make them wonderful memories."