Five Happy Things This March

March has been one hell of a month. I feel like it only came around yesterday, yet here we are.It's been a month of lunch dates, fun weekend plans and a whole lot of double-booked plans (which is not cool form of me, but I must learn to stop saying yes to every plan!), and after a slow start to the year, I'm starting to feel a little brighter about things and ready to take on new challenges.
And with the brighter feeling, comes gratitude towards the things that have really made me happy this March.
THAT Amsterdam weekend. If you follow me on Instagram, you'd have seen my annoying stories from our wild weekend. And wild it was. To the point where recommendations are limited, because if we weren't in a bar drinking, then we'd be wandering all the canals admiring the beautiful architecture (I think it was one of the prettiest cities I've visited), or eating from places we're ashamed to admit (in our defence it was the best McDonalds of my life!). BUT that weekend was my first abroad girls trip, and honestly, the memories and laughs that we had and created won't be forgotten in a hurry AT ALL.
Bagels. Bagels get a shoutout this month because I can't stop eating them for breakfast. And if I haven't had one for breakfast, then you can bet i'll be enjoying it at lunch. Marmite and cheese for me please.
Spending time with my niece. There were times when I doubted the whole freelance life, and spending a lot of time at home on your own, isn't always great for your mental health. So I text my brother one afternoon, and the next day I was on a train to theirs to spend the day with my niece. And that is what reminded me why I chose to do what I do, making time for people I love and care about. And her little face brightens up my day.
After Life. We watched this on Netflix last week, and it is absolutely beautiful, warming and heartbreaking all in one. It's so well written, and I reckon you'll laugh and cry numerous times, within the space of a 30 minute episode.
An exciting diary. I'm fairly sure I write this on all my posts, but my diary has another jam packed few months which always makes me feel more settled and happy. I don't know why, but I just love being busy - and with some cheeky trips planned (including a girls trip to Lisbon at the end of April), I can't wait to fully feel like spring (and summer) is around the corner. Here's to another month of fun!
"choose people who choose you"